Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

Catherine Hammond - 12/4

In Loving Memory of Catherine Hammond

It is with great sadness we report the passing of Catherine Hammond, loving wife of Post 115 Commander Dave Hammond. Chaplain Frank Boone has been in contact with Dave and as of now there are no services planned per Catherine's wishes.
Catherine was active in The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 115 over the years until her extended illness.
Please keep Dave in your thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, November 29, 2020


Tuesday December 1 is Giving Tuesday.


Post 115's in-person fundraising has been curtailed by the pandemic.
We support our post with members' dues but rely on donations to deliver American Legion Programs in Flagler County such as:

* Assisting local veterans with emergency expenses

* Promoting Americanism in Flagler County

* Sending local high school juniors to Boys and Girls State 

* Sending local youths to the Junior Law Cadet Academy

* Providing Honor Guard for funerals and ceremonies

Saturday, November 28, 2020

E-Board Meeting 11/23 - 11/29

Holiday Party Canceled - 

December General Meeting Scheduled

Announced at the Executive Committee Meeting of 

November 23, 2020

 Also Discussed: 

Speaker Sought for December 14 General Meeting 

Texas Roadhouse Night Generates $160 

$1,500 Donation for PVR Announced

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes:

Call to Order:  Commander Hammond - 1900hrs

Opening Prayer: Chaplain Boone

Roll Call:  Adjutant Owens

            Absent/Excused: Fin. Ausbrooks, Member Whitaker

Minutes of Previous Meetings: 

Adjutant Owens – 12 OCT 2020 Gen Mtg & 26 OCT 2020 Exec. minutes for approval and submission to membership – motion, 2nd, no discussion, approved.

Committee Reports: 

·      Comdr. Hammond – no report

·      Adjutant Owens

o   Membership update – 

§  A.L. membership is 345 PAID for 2021 vs 324 prior 2020 same time – 2020/2021 total 455 members

·      1st VC Pepin 

o   Christmas Tree update – Tree is in the front row @ the library, thanks to Bina & Joe Leahy, Dee & Joe Pepin for set-up, Brenda & Bryant Thorpe for the donation of ornaments.

o   White Table Ceremony – presentation in library was very respectful, informative, and somber. Great photo display.

o   WAA – Requested a certificate of appreciation to John Skripko for his donation and leadership gathering fund for WAA.

·      2nd VC Thorpe

o   14 DEC 2020 meeting discussion – looking for a speaker and rec’d many names

·      3rd VC Leahy

o   Fundraising Ideas

§  10 NOV TEXAS ROADHOUSE DINNER – netted $160.13 to Post 115 – Scheduled again THURSDAY 11 FEB 2021 5-8PM

§  Committee thinking of ideas 



·      Finance Officer Ausbrooks - in absentia

o   Mayo Clinic visits are good so far!

o   Invoice for Emory Bennett VA Facility Steak Luncheon rec’d from VFW Post 9896 via US Foods – cutting check to VFW

·      Judge Advocate Smith

o   Boys State Update – nothing from Dept. – will ask

o   Recommends giving a Certificate of Appreciation to each guest speaker at meetings – assigned to Adjutant Owens

o   Prayer request for Don Anderson, former K-9 Deputy – in COVID treatment in GA.

·      Chaplain Boone

o   Sick Call 

§  Mark Cremeans, Dino Perez, David Gregory, RJ Card, Joe Licata, Leonra Dean, Kathy Owens, Brenda Thorpe, Reid Lany, John Preston, Eileen Piekarski, Ray Salas, Karen Smith, Vinnie Rafaelle

·      Service Officer Beier

o   Has asked for and rec’d pledge of $1500 from Hammock Community Church as a donation to Post 115 for Project VET:Relief! Thanks Ophelia!

§  Adjutant will produce a letter and certificate of thanks.

·      Sgt/Arms Beier 

o   Update on Color Guard / Honor Guard / Rifle Squad activities

§  Rifle Squad – being led by member Ed Reese with Patrick Hartnett helping.

·      The rifles are in need of new slings and a couple were missing the slings.

§  Will be attending WAA Espanola Cemetery Event

o   “Daytona Speedway” update regarding cost specifics

§  Cost is $430 which gives 10 tickets, 2 gas cards, Infield FanZone Pass – van or vans needed for transport.

o   Recognized member Ken Wall for his many years’ service to the Color Guard.

§  Now in need of another member

·      Historian Boyd        

o   Keeping book updated with photos and articles / posts

·      ALR Chapter 115 Director Dean

o   Participation of members is great.

o   Have “Adopted-A-Road” Belle Terre from Cypress Pt to Wadsworth Elementary.

§  We have the vests and PPE and will begin soon. Sign will be right near St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church on Belle Terre!


·      Member @ Large McNamara

o   1st & 3rd Saturday 0800 Breakfast @ Metro Diner, Island Walk Plaza

·      Member @ Large Whitaker

o   WAA update

§  In need of singer for National Anthem

·      VAC Mangels

o   Next meeting 7 DEC 2020

§  Post Adj. will produce a Letter of Appointment for Hank Mangels as our delegate with Tanya Whitaker and/or Ophelia Beier as Alternate.

o   ONE BLOOD – 32 units reported collected during the Palm Coast & VSO Veterans Day Event!

o   Indoor Veterans Day ceremony at the Flagler Auditorium was well-received and thought is to use same venue for next year.


Unfinished Business:  

            Director & Officers Insurance discussion – Exec. Committee needs to specify where we 

get the $$ to fund the D & O Insurance Premium of $508.

            Discussion moved to current income vs. expenses due to COVID – feel need to 

“wait and see”.

Frank Boone offered to chip in $40 and if other exec. members did the same we’d 

cover the $508 cost of insurance.

Dave Hammond to collect $40 pledges to see if we can do it.


New Business:        

4 Chaplains?? – VFW Hall is confirmed available – awaiting Chaplain’s decision due

To COVID – Tentative date 7 FEB 2021.


Closing Prayer:  Chaplain Boone

Adjournment @ 1955hrs


Respectfully Submitted,

Gary M Owens, Adjutant, Post 115

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Vans Needed - 11/21

Volunteers Needed With Passenger Vans or SUV's 

The following email was received from Post 115 Sgt/Arms  Ed Beier:

"The Color Guard is looking for two volunteers who own a large SUV or VAN to transport the Color Guard to the NASCAR Xfinity Race at the Daytona Speedway on Saturday, February 13th, 2021.
You will receive a free ticket to the race with a Fan Zone Pass and a $50.00 Race Track gas card. Contact Ed Beier at 386-445-0831.


Ed Beier
American Legion Post 115"