Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Post 115 Meeting - 08/11

Photo submitted on Facebook by Omer Smith

Flagler Post 115 Resumes Meetings

Post 115 resumed meetings last night, Monday August 10, observing CDC guidelines.  Temperatures were taken at the door and social distancing and mask wearing was strictly observed.  A quorum was achieved and it was well attended by over 30 legionnaires and officers.  

*On the agenda were:
2021 Officer Nominations
2021 Budget Approval
Committee Reports
Insurance Budget

*Minutes will be posted on the website, FlaglerPost115.org, upon receipt with a link from the Facebook page, American Legion Post 115.
The new members of the color guard were introduced and did a great job!  Kudos to the Executive Committee for a good job, especially the new 2nd VC, Bryant Thorpe.  

Overall, a great meeting, even if there were some rough patches with an incomplete agenda, we are all a little rusty.  Particularly impressive was the Covid-19 precaution discipline of the legionnaires.  Ronnie Dean, ALR Director did a great job taking our temperatures!

We hope the trend of monthly meetings continues.


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